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Back together: Phone leak suggests LG looking to win with Windows Phone

Uni8 will be firm's first WP8 handset
Back together: Phone leak suggests LG looking to win with Windows Phone

Shots of what is rumoured to be LG's first foray in Windows Phone since 2010 have hit the web, courtesy of evleaks.

Provisionally called the 'LG Uni8', the phone is set to run Windows Phone 8 and, although there are no details of the phone's specifics, the leak is likely to be a boon to Microsoft, providing tacit approval of its acquisition of Nokia just last month.

Indeed, it's the fact that, after seemingly abandoning Windows Phone post launch in 2010, the Korean tech giant is now making a move on Microsoft's platform once again after struggling to make inroads into rival Samsung's dominant Android share.

Welcome back

There is logic to the move, however. We recently noted the increasing traction of Windows Phone in global markets, with the platform outselling iOS in 24 countries.

iOS and Android continue to dominate, but Microsoft's OS has seen steady year-on-year growth in a number of countries, including the US, and it would seem that phone manufacturers are taking notice.

Windows Phone is currently seeing anywhere between 12 percent and 16 percent market share in hotly contested arenas outside the US and is expected to make significant inroads after absorbing Nokia.

At a time when LG is planning Android-powered wearable tech, ostensibly aimed at developed markets, a diversification of  the company's mobile output shows it is keen to make good use of Windows Phone's penetration, with the company aiming for a 10 percent market share in the smartphone marke India by the end of 2014 - India serving as one of the countries where Windows Phone is currently outpacing iOS.

[source: evleaks]