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Hoolai tests the hardcore appetite of WeChat players with War of Immortals

Successful web game goes mobile
Hoolai tests the hardcore appetite of WeChat players with War of Immortals
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Sep 2, 2014 partnership Hoolai Games Tencent Not disclosed

Given Tencent's power within the Chinese mobile games market, there's no surprise that publishers are falling over themselves to get their titles onto its QQ and WeChat-integrated games platform.

To-date, however, most of these games have been fairly casual in tone. EA's Plants vs. Zombie 2 and IGG's Castle Clash are two examples.

King just launched Candy Crush Saga  too.

Going harder

In that regard, Chinese publisher Hoolai is testing the waters with the release of War of Immortals.

It's already the #2 top grossing web game on Tencent's PC channel, but it's not clear whether mobile games will take to the MMORPG with the same level of enthusiasm.

Tencent and Hoolai are hoping that the wider reach offered by mobile will offset the lower ARPU that mobile games - even hardcore ones - generate compared to online titles.