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NCSOFT partners with IKinema to use cost-cutting procedural animation system in next title

Real-time inverse kinematics, they call it
NCSOFT partners with IKinema to use cost-cutting procedural animation system in next title

Korean developer NCSOFT has partnered with "real-time inverse kinematics" company IKinema to bring its technology to the developer's next game.

IKinema's RunTime technology allows developers to procedurally animate characters and multi-limbed creatures within games.

It can modify a single animation clip in an "infinite number of ways", saving time and money for developers as they don't have to hand animate every possibility.

Time saver

Integrated as part of Unreal Engine, it can also be used in VR to animate the player character in real-time, though it also works for a number of other uses across all platforms, including mobile.

"IKinema's portfolio is growing at a significant rate – we're thrilled to have it further reinforced by working with NCSOFT," said Alexandre Pechev , CEO of IKinema.

"Our aim is to provide all developers with the most advanced technology and tools to ensure delivery of the most realistic and immersive gaming experience to their audiences."