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Meet Pocket Gamer at G-STAR in South Korea

We're itching to meet as many people as possible in this exciting market
Meet Pocket Gamer at G-STAR in South Korea

We like to travel a lot here at Steel Media, being a global brand and all that.

And next week the teams at, Pocket Gamer,, and are heading out to the enormous games industry conference G-STAR in South Korea!

We’ll be bringing both editorial and sales teams and will be at the event from November 16th to 19th, so if you’d like to meet up with us to discuss the latest cool games you’re working on, tell us about the amazing services you offer or what incredible tools you provide to games companies, hit us up using this Google Form right here.

Big Indie Pitch

During G-STAR we’ll also be hosting the Big Indie Pitch on November 18th.

It’s a quickfire pitching competition in which you’ll get to meet experienced games industry professionals, journalists and other indies, as well as the chance to win some prizes (like the coveted Big Indie Pitch bat).

Want to take part as a contestant? Head on over to the website for details on how to submit your game.

Interested in being a judge at the Big Indie Pitch? Email the event's organiser Simon Drake at for details on how to get involved.