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Sony’s Hiroyuki Oda believes the Nintendo Switch has had “positive influence” on the industry

But kind words won't change the company line on collaboration in the gaming sector.
Sony’s Hiroyuki Oda believes the Nintendo Switch has had “positive influence” on the industry

The Nintendo Switch has been a positive force in the games industry, says Sony Interactive Entertainment Asia president Hiroyuki Oda.

Despite being in competition with Nintendo, Oda told Japanese outlet Nikkei that the company’s hybrid console had been a net gain for the scene at large.

“I’d say it has had an overall positive influence on the entire games market,” said Oda.

"Gamers want to play various games of various types, so the most important thing is that these people who love games are happy.

“SIE will play to its strengths by providing games of various genres, including realistic, high-definition games.”

Switch up

It’s been hard to ignore the success of the Switch, as the console approached 200 million sales earlier this summer. The handheld hybrid has quickly become the fastest-selling console of all time in the US.

But don’t expect Sony’s fondness for competing consoles to go further than good words anytime soon. CEO Kenichiro Yoshida has doubled down on the company’s position blocking cross-platform play on Playstation.