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Fishlabs' Schade: iPad is the ultimate nightmare for Nintendo and Sony

We'll have a new game for launch too
Fishlabs' Schade: iPad is the ultimate nightmare for Nintendo and Sony

If there's one iPhone developer we want to get down dirty and really push the iPad in terms of its 3D performance, it has to be German outfit Fishlabs.

After all, that's exactly what it's done to pretty much every mobile device since it was founded in 2004.

We tracked down CEO Michael Schade to get his thoughts on the iPad.

Pocket Gamer: How will iPad change the portable gaming market?

Michael Schade: If the iPhone 3GS and iPod touch weren't bad enough news for Nintendo and Sony, the iPad is going to be the ultimate nightmare.

Games will look so much better on the iPad and we will see even more complex gameplay on the bigger screen with better connectivity than on handhelds at a much cheaper price. Even big publisher will bring their top franchises to the iPad which, to a certain degree, was the last resort of the DS and PSP.

What game ideas does iPad inspire?

The iPhone has already proved you can't think all the game ideas you can do on it. The iPad will just expand these possibilities.

For us it means we can go even further in terms of graphical quality and depth in gameplay with our console-type games such as Galaxy on Fire and Rally Master Pro, and without saying too much now, we will have something fresh for the launch of the iPad.

What most impresses you about iPad?

There's not any one single thing that impresses me most. It is the whole concept that's spot on. It has a big but mobile screen, great computing power, connectivity, an excellent user interface and controls, and last but not least, the right ecosystem behind it to make it part of the most important interactive media.

The specs are so close to latest smartphones that, with all devices combined, we can address a potential target group of a couple hundred million users.

Do you have any reservations about iPad?

Probably the biggest challenge will be to keep the price point up for high-quality games which will require extra development effort. We hope iPad users understand that quality always has its price.

What do you think about the iPad's price?

We expected the price to be much higher. It's a smart move to have a model without 3G at a competitive price compared to netbooks.

Together with the iPod touch and the iPhone, Apple covers the full range from entry level handheld gaming devices, to one of the best smartphones available, and a mobile high res computing device.

Thanks to Michael for his time.