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Rovio not the only studio serving up 'Angry Birds' on iOS

Acceleration in apps aping game's name
Rovio not the only studio serving up 'Angry Birds' on iOS

With some estimates suggesting there are as many as 400,000 apps currently sitting on the App Store, visibility is for many the defining factor when it comes to titles making money, or sinking without a trace.

As such, it's no surprise that many developers have chosen to ride on the coattails of proven successes when it comes to naming their releases.

A study by Distimo suggests that, since Rovio's Angry Birds took off on iOS, use of the words 'angry' and, in particular, 'birds' in app titles has soared on the platform.

Birdy bounce

The firm has studied the prevalence of both words since Angry Birds launched in December 2009. According to its findings, both have seen significant take up.

"While the Apple App Store grew about 250 percent in this time span, the occurrence of the word 'angry' increased from 14 to 303 times (20x)," said analyst Gert Jan Spriensma on the firm's website.

"For 'birds', which is a more common term, the usage in application names more than quadrupled from 65 to 365. Note that the absolute growth in 'angry' and 'birds' was about 300 for both words."

The findings come as part of a wider look into the most common words used in app titles across marketplaces, with 'pocket', 'sexy' and 'hot' some of the most popular.

[source: Distimo]