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UDID deprecation is a short term distraction prior to emergence of new industry standard, reckons AdColony's Will Kassoy

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UDID deprecation is a short term distraction prior to emergence of new industry standard, reckons AdColony's Will Kassoy

With Apple finally acting on its long stated goal of deprecating UDIDs as a method of tracking users, this week has seen many of the key players in the mobile advertising and monetisation space rolling out their responses to the situation.

We caught up with Will Kassoy, CEO of video advertising outfit AdColony, to get his take.

Pocket Gamer: Why do you think Apple has deprecated UDIDs?

Will Kassoy: Apple hasn't said anything officially yet and we completely support its position as it relates to protecting consumer data and privacy.

It appears that the deprecated UDIDs may be a move to provide even stronger consumer privacy protection on the iOS platform and in the Apple ecosystem.

What impact do you think the deprecation of UDIDs will have?

It will be a distraction in the short-term as most companies will need to update their apps and products to adopt.

In the long term, however, I'm confident that the industry will be able to gain the insights they need on their products while providing industry-leading protections to consumers over data and how it's used.

What plans do you have to work around the issue?

This is not new news and we've been planning for this day for some time.

We will continue to deliver the highest quality HD video ads in the market without UDID tracking and have a non-UDID version of AdColony for all our publishers.

Do you think there will be an industry-wise solution everyone can agree on?

Yes, I do believe that an industry-wide standard will emerge. What that is, is still unclear, but we built our systems to be very flexible and adoptive to changes across multiple mobile platforms.

We are well positioned to continue to help publishers monetise their content and support the broader mobile economy.

Thanks to Will for his time.