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Top grossing iOS game CSR Racing is generating $12 million per month

And NaturalMotion buys developer Boss Alien
Top grossing iOS game CSR Racing is generating $12 million per month
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Aug 15, 2012 acquisition Boss Alien NaturalMotion Games Not disclosed

Glued to the top of the Apple's top grossing charts since its 28 June release, NaturalMotion has now revealed the headline revenue figures for CSR Racing.

It's generated over $12 million in a month; presumably that's a gross revenue figure including Apple's 30 percent cut.

Ironically, it was only a couple of months ago that NaturalMotion raised $11 million in VC funding from Benchmark Capital.

"Our vision from the outset has been to focus on making games that people want to play - and to go viral through quality," commented NaturalMotion CEO Torsten Reil.

"Our combination of deep free-to-play monetisation insights with polished gameplay and high-end 3D graphics generates margins impossible for the old type of 2D resource management games, especially those who have to aggressively spend to buy players."

Aliens accepted

The incredible success of the game has also resulted in NaturalMotion buying Boss Alien, the Brighton, UK-based start up which developed the game.

Boss Alien was set up by senior staff from the Disney-owned racing specialist Black Rock Studio, which was closed down in the summer of 2011.

The 14-strong team joins NaturalMotion's three other development locations - Oxford, London and San Francisco.

"We're very proud of what we've achieved together with CSR Racing, and now we're focused on growing our studio and creating more hit games,"said CEO Jason Avent.

"We want developers with exceptional talent to come on board and join our world-class team."

The studio is believed to be already working on prototypes for future releases, while the much-anticipated multiplayer update to CSR Racing is expected to go live when Apple releases iOS 6.