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BlackBerry PlayBook Native SDK available for select developers

Designed for performance
BlackBerry PlayBook Native SDK available for select developers

It wasn't that long ago when BlackBerry was accepting applications for its PlayBook Native SDK beta, and now RIM has begun sending out emails to selected developers inviting them to download the SDK v0.9.4 beta.

It'll obviously be some time before we begin to see apps developed with the software on BlackBerry App World, though hopefully for PlayBook owners this announcement will go some way towards quashing recent rumours of the tablet's capitulation.

New kit, new features

The tools are specifically being pitched at games developers, offering them the chance to code titles for the platform in C/C++, the Standard Template Library and Open GL ES 1.1/2.0.

The SDK also comes equipped with QNX's Momentics tool suite an Eclipse-based integrated development environment designed to provide memory profiling, app debugging and memory usage statistics.

The introduction of new profiles in the IDE means that users can customise viewable content, allowing developers to streamline the kit for their specific needs.

We'll no doubt find out more at the BlackBerry DevCon Americas event will be taking place in San Francisco from October 18 - 20.

[source: CrackBerry]