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iPad 3 in March a reality, but October launch for iPad 4 'made-up nonsense' says Daring Fireball's Gruber

DigiTimes only half right
iPad 3 in March a reality, but October launch for iPad 4 'made-up nonsense' says Daring Fireball's Gruber

The one glaring inconsistency in DigiTimes most recent iPad rumour was the idea of two major revisions launching within one year.

While a March roll out for a 'full HD' iPad 3 seems realistic, the concept of a higher-spec sequel hitting the shelves just six months later a strategy that would represent a complete departure from the norm for Apple  is comparatively far fetched.

It didn't take long for technology blogger John Gruber of Daring Fireball to insinuate as much, taking to his blog to declare a March launch as "completely accurate", before rubbishing all talk of iPad 4 in 2012.

Half and half

"Wait a minute. What's going on here?" opened Gruber, who is noted for his firm handle on all things Apple.

"A DigiTimes report about Apple and the iPad that's completely accurate? No completely made-up nonsense? Is something wrong with me?"

Gruber followed by making reference to the 'killer application' equipped iPad 4, due for launch in October according to DigiTimes.

"OK, phew, what a relief," he concluded.

Gruber has previously told MacWorld he expects Apple to either continue to sell the existing iPad 2 alongside any new models, or launch a lower-end retina-free SKU sporting the current 1024 x 768 display.

[source: Apple Insider]