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Angry Birds gains top iPhone game status with 6.5 million sales

Plus another 11 million free downloads
Angry Birds gains top iPhone game status with 6.5 million sales

The seemingly endless rise of Rovio's 99c Angry Birds continues with the news it's now sold over 6.5 million copies, giving it a substantial lead over the previous top selling Doodle Jump.

Indeed, with 11 million free versions downloaded, plus another 200,000+ of the $4.99 iPad HD version sold, it seems likely it could be the first iOS game to do 10 million sales.

Shoot to the top

US manager Peter Vesterback's remark to GamesBeat's Dean Takahashi that "Our goal is to get to 100 million paid downloads," seems a little ambitious though.

Still, with versions coming to Android, Symbian^3, Palm and likely Windows Phone 7 and other portables and consoles, the game's lifetime sales could easily push into the tens of millions.

Perhaps more significant however will be the impact of the expected sequel.

[source: GamesBeat]