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Fiksu claims Apple won't deprecate UDID until iOS 6, replacing it with a first party cookie

Cupertino rumour gaining steam
Fiksu claims Apple won't deprecate UDID until iOS 6, replacing it with a first party cookie

Our list of how companies are dealing with a post-UDID world is 25-strong, but up-to-this-point we haven't heard from Fiksu.

The mobile marketing and user acquisition platform has now broken its silence, with a long blog post from VP Craig Palli.

Setting the scene and running through the alternatives, he says that Fiksu isn't throwing its weight behind any single technology.

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Instead, Fiksu will "provide a range of solutions", including HTML5 first party cookies, digital fingerprinting, MAC address attribution, and support for OpenUDID and SecureUDID.

"Clients will have access to all of these methods, eliminating difficult decisions and tradeoffs. This will enable us to maximise reach, support the widest variety of ad networks and meet our clients' specific needs," Palli says.

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More significant, however, is speculation concerning what Apple's take on the situation might be.

"Very recently, rumors have been circulating that Apple will not fully deprecate UDIDs until the launch of iOS 6, and at that time advocate a first party cookie option," Palli ponders.

This would make sense in that Apple announced it was deprecating UDID with iOS 5, but didn't and hasn't ever mentioned any official replacement - something it itself needs to run its iAd ad network.

[source: Fiksu]