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Ouya becomes Kickstarter's fastest and biggest funding project, and the pledges keep pouring in

With 23 days to go, total is heading towards $5 million
Ouya becomes Kickstarter's fastest and biggest funding project, and the pledges keep pouring in

Despite performing a minor miracle in generating a consensus across the gaming press that it's doomed to failure, Ouya continues to build up its (pledged) cash pile.

Not only is the $99 Android console the fastest Kickstarter project to hit $1 million (in 8 hours 22 mins), it's now the best funded ($4.9 million at time of writing) from 38,000 backers.

Not bad considering it has 23 days to go and was only looking for $950,000.

This activity has also helped Kickstarter increase its record for the most money pledged in a day from $1.9 million to $3.2 million.

The hard part

As for how the company behind the project is going to handle its windfall, it's starting to get down in the details.

It's been having talks with Nvidia over the Tegra 3 chip it's going to use, as well as thinking about whether it's going to include an Ethernet port in the console.

And if you're still confused about what Ouya is, check out the introductory video below, and pledge here