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Kabam unlocks the potential of its midcore audience, publishing 15 mobile and web games

50 third-party games live by end of 2013
Kabam unlocks the potential of its midcore audience, publishing 15 mobile and web games

Building on its online gaming portal, not to mention its stellar success during 2012 on iOS and Android, US midcore outfit Kabam has launched its own publishing division.

Allowing external teams access to its technology platform, marketing tools and proprietary social framework, 15 games are already live on the service.

They include Clash of the Dragons from 5th Planet Games (on web/mobile), Venan Games' mobile Book of Heroes and the Chinese release of Reality Squared Games' online game Wartune.

It's expected Kabam Publishing will be running as many as 50 third-party games by the end of 2013.


Demonstrating the value of being early to the program, Venan's CEO Brandon Curiel revealed Book of Heroes had seen a 10-fold increase in daily active users since it hooked up with Kabam.

"It's now a top 100 grossing game, he said. "We would never have been able to generate these results on our own, and we couldn't be happier with our Kabam partnership."

Using App Annie figures, you can clearly see the impact on Book of Heroes' US iOS top grossing performance when it hooked up with Kabam Publishing in January

Similarly, Wartune is now generating more than $1 million per month, as do seven of Kabam's own titles.

With the big boys

"On a per-player basis, Kabam monetises games at eight times the rate of other companies," commented Amit Ranade, Kabam Publishing's president.

"Kabam has one of the industry's most sophisticated performance marketing operations. We know how to drive discovery, engagement, and monetisation of games arguably better than anyone else in the industry."

Of course, many web and mobile companies which have large existing audiences are making similar moves, with giants such as Zynga, DeNA, GREE and Kongregate competiting with successful niche players like Gamevil, Com2uS, TinyCo, Pocket Gems, Chillingo and Scopely, to name just a handful.

[source: Kabam]