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2014 in Review: Simon Read, New Star - We hope to make waves in India in 2015

Future trends from the remembrance of things past
2014 in Review: Simon Read, New Star - We hope to make waves in India in 2015

As 2014 begins to fade into memory, we're taking a look back at the events that have dominated the last 12 months in mobile gaming.

As such, we've asked the industry's great and good to give us their take on the year, as well as predicting the trends that will dominate in 2015.

Simon Read the founder of New Star Games and creator of the New Star Soccer series.

Pocket Gamer: What was the most significant news in 2014?

Simon Reed: I was amazed at the impact Flappy Bird had.

It served as a reminder for just how unpredictable this industry is and how the simplest things can be the most disruptive.

How did your business focus change in 2014?

2014 was mainly about getting new projects underway, so that has been the focus and we should be releasing at least 2 new titles next year.

The biggest news event was probably updating New Star Soccer in time for the World Cup. We had a cracking month!

What was your favourite mobile game of the year? Why?

I think Hearthstone is the one that sticks in my mind the most. A stunning free-to-play title, beautifully presented and beautifully balanced.

<em>Hearthstone</em> - everyone's favourite CCG
Hearthstone - everyone's favourite CCG

What do you predict will be the most important markets for your games in 2015?

I think the UK will continue to be the most important for us.

However, we hope to make some waves in the Indian market.

“I think we are going to see more innovation in the free-to-play model.”
Simon Read

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2015?

As new markets open up, I think we are going to see more innovation in the free-to-play model.

It feels a little stagnant at the moment so that has to be a good thing.

What's your New Year's resolution and what resolution would you enforce on the industry?

I don't do New Year's resolutions but if I had to force one on the industry I'd just say, be unpredictable.

Thanks to Simon for his time.

You can check out all of our 2014 in Review interviews here.