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Nike chief Adam Sussman becomes Epic Games president

Sussman also spent two years as Zynga senior VP of global publishing
Nike chief Adam Sussman becomes Epic Games president

Nike chief digital officer Adam Sussman has been appointed as president of Fortnite developer Epic Games.

The news was revealed via LinkedIn, where Sussman spoke of his five and a half years at Nike and how proud he is what was accomplished during his time at the firm.

Prior to working at the US sports clothing giant, Sussman acted as senior vice president of global publishing at Zynga for two years. Before this, he held roles at Electronic Arts, Take-Two Interactive and the Walt Disney Company.

"Future of gaming"

"While it’s bittersweet, I am so excited to join Epic and honoured to be part of the remarkable team that has built one of the biggest games in the world," wrote Sussman.

"2020 will be a big year for me and my wife, three kids and two dogs. A return to gaming, a move to North Carolina and an opportunity to help change the future of gaming."


Fortnite has become so popular that Epic Games has partnered with the likes of Disney to show scenes from the last Star Wars movie in-game in the run-up to the film's release.

In November 2019, Epic acquired graphic artist toolset and service provider Quixel, which gives all Unreal Engine developers free access to Quixel Megascans, a library of over 10,000 2D and 3D photogrammetry assets.