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57% of Android Market consists of free apps claims Distimo

Only 15% free on Ovi Store though
57% of Android Market consists of free apps claims Distimo

Mobile analytics firm Distimo has cast yet more light on the differences between the major mobile marketplaces, the company claiming Android Market has the highest free-to-paid apps ratio of any app store.

Distimo presented the results from its most recent findings during at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week, the company collating consumer data gathered from all the major app stores in the US.

According to the results, 57 percent of all apps on Android Market are free, the remaining 43 percent made up of paid apps.

That puts Android way out of step with the other five app stores Distimo monitored Apple's App Store, Nokia's Ovi Store, BlackBerry's App World, Windows Marketplace and Palm Software Store all offering far more paid apps than free alternatives.

Indeed, in stark comparison, free apps make up only 15 percent of the Ovi Store's current line-up.

Distimo also claims that Android Market is the fastest growing mobile marketplace in the States relatively speaking, new releases making up 15 percent of all apps on the store last month.

In pure number terms, however, Apple is still king with 150,998 apps available on the App Store in total to Android's 19,897.

The App Store grew by 13,865 new apps across the same period.

As previously reported, apps on Windows Marketplace and Blackberry's App World are priced far higher than those on their rivals.

Windows apps average out at $6.99, while Blackberry's weigh in at a hefty $8.26.

Those interested in Distimo's findings in full can review the presentation for free in full at the company's blog.