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Dell Android smartphone pegged for 2010

Could branch into other open source operating systems
Dell Android smartphone pegged for 2010

Computer giant Dell would seem to be in a perfect position to take the smartphone arena by storm, but for some reason the company has struggled to get a cellular, pocket computer onto the market.

CEO Michael Dell has now confirmed speculation that the firm will be bringing its new Android-powered handset to the US in 2010, however. According to Dell, this is likely to be a variation or continuation of the product launching in China.

"That’s a starting point for us," he says, according to MocoNews. "You’ll probably see products next year in the U.S. that are family members of the things we started in China."

He goes on to say these handsets will be built on the modified version of Google's Android system being distributed by China Mobile, but that his company is also looking at other open source platforms as well.

"There are some other open platforms that are emerging that are similar to other businesses we participate in."