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RIM launches integrated ad service for BlackBerry

Medialets, Jumptap, Millennial and Mojiva on board
RIM launches integrated ad service for BlackBerry

RIM has announced it has launched its own ad platform for BlackBerry handsets - albeit one that aggregates content from multiple independent ad networks already operating on the OS.

Dubbed the BlackBerry Advertising Service, RIM's network in its own words  allows developers to avoid having to manage relationships with multiple ad platforms.

Instead, its set up pools in-app ads from a multitude of popular networks, meaning studios can tap into scores of ad platforms from just one base.

Ads in apps

"The BlackBerry Advertising Service offers developers a quick and easy way to integrate advertising in their applications,"  said RIM's senior VP, Alan Brenner.

"The service reduces the commercial and technical complexity of enabling ads within an application and offers developers a new avenue of monetisation."

The platform can call on the support of six separate networks at launch, with Amobee, Jumptap, Lat49, Millennial Media and Mojiva all on board.

Rich partnership

Meanwhile, Medialets will handle all rich media content, enabling developers to employ the firm's rich media ad formats, delivery and analytics, from within BlackBerry Advertising Service.

"To date, the Medialets team has worked aggressively to bring cutting-edge rich media advertising capabilities to the latest iPhone, iPad and Android platforms," said Medialets' Elena Perez on the firm's blog.

"Through this relationship with RIM, we'll further extend the industry’s most engaging mobile rich media ad formats to the broadest range of devices and operating systems.

"We look forward to working with the BlackBerry team in the coming months as part of our broader mission to make it easier to create and deliver mobile rich media advertising at scale."