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Rovio and Fox announce animated movie tie-in game Angry Birds Rio

Extending brands
Rovio and Fox announce animated movie tie-in game Angry Birds Rio

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Angry Birds is creator Rovio's decision not to develop a sequel - at least, not while it's rolling out the original game to new platforms, as well as coming with new themes such as Angry Birds Seasons.

The decision to hook up with Twentieth Century Fox over its animated film Rio to create a standalone themed release called Angry Birds Rio continues that strategy.

Announced by Rovio CEO Mikael Hed and Twentieth Century Fox, president of new media and digital distribution, Peter Levinsohn, the game is due out in various app stores in March. Rio the film opens on April 15.

Birds of a feather

Specific platforms haven't been announced but the mention of "smart phones and tablets" suggests iPhone, iPad, Android, Ovi and possibly Windows Phone 7 too.

It will follow Angry Birds' standard physics-based gameplay with 45 levels at launch, and 'unique twists' based on the film.

"This collaboration with Fox is definitely one the most exciting partnerships we have entered into with the Angry Birds brand to date," said Hed.

"In addition to expanding the horizons of two fantastic entertainment brands and creating a great new gaming experience, we have also taken the concept of combining a mobile application and motion picture promotion to an entirely new level."

To date, Angry Birds has been downloaded over 50 million times on iPhone, iPad, Ovi, Android, and Mac and PC. 

Flock together

"In partnering with Rovio, we are combining the world's hottest application developer with one of the motion picture industry's premier creative forces to introduce the millions of fans of Angry Birds to the exciting world of Rio," said Levinsohn.

The deal follows on from a similar link up announced last week, which sees Lima Sky's Doodle Jump gaining a bonus level including the character E.B. the rabbit from Universal's forthcoming animated film Hop.