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Nokia claims first Windows Phone 7 devices due March 2012

Could take 24 months to fully implement strategy
Nokia claims first Windows Phone 7 devices due March 2012

Nokia's deal with Microsoft to throw its weight behind the Windows Phone 7 operating system is all about building momentum.

The platform undoubtedly received a healthy dose when the initial announcement was made in February, giving Microsoft's OS the kind of blanket press coverage it had previously lacked.

Now, however, it would seem the second push for the platform is some way off, with Nokia India MD D Shivakumar claiming the first WP7 powered device from Nokia might not hit until March 2012.

Time after time

Daily News & Analysis reports that Shivakumar made the admission during a regulatory filing in the US, adding that though the first WP7 handset may debut in 12 months time, it could take an additional year before Nokia's strategic alliance with Microsoft is fully implemented.

Just whether the platform can afford to wait that long is up for debate.

Microsoft's renewed smartphone effort has won the kind of critical praise its predecessor never amassed. However, early evaluation of its sales to date suggest it's had limited impact on Microsoft's share of the market.

On the flip side, any delay in delivering WP7 devices is likely to please Symbian supporters, giving the OS an extending stay at Nokia's top table as a result.

Joining forces

Longterm, however, Shivakumar claims Nokia has faith in WP7, suggesting the decision to offer support was based on merit rather than money.

"We took the decision after looking at that operating system [Windows Phone 7]," Shivakumar said.

"It's a good operating system. Microsoft has been looking for a strong hardware partner, but they have been on phones [platforms] which has not given them that strength. With Nokia, suddenly the scales are huge."

[source: Daily News & Analysis]