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Unity CEO Helgason unconcerned about new Apple terms of service

Has the strength of 120,000 users behind him

With developers continuing to speculate about exactly what is and what isn't restricted by Apple's new iPhone Developer Program License Agreement, Unity Technologies CEO David Helgason is unconcerned.

"We've had no indication from Apple things are going to change for Unity," he said.

"We have a great relationship with Apple and will do everything we can to comply with its terms of service so we can provide uninterrupted service to our more than 120,000 users.

"And remember these are only beta TOS and can be easily changed."

Not Flash

The general consensus seems to be that Apple's attempting to close the loophole that enables Flash content to be recompiled as native apps for iDevices: something Adobe is looking to enhance in its forthcoming Flash Professional CS5 release.

"We are aware of Apple's new SDK language and are looking into it," Adobe told the New York Times.