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Nokia's debut Windows Phone 'See Ray' rebranded Nokia 800 as first ads hit web

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Nokia's debut Windows Phone 'See Ray' rebranded Nokia 800 as first ads hit web

How did anyone leak anything before the web came along?

While it's only a matter of days before Nokia officially lifts the lid on its debut Windows Phone handset, the unofficial unveiling of the first press ads have afforded us an earlier than expected glance.

Nabbed by PocketNow, the two ads suggest the Finnish firm has taken a notably different approach to Microsoft's 'glance and go' launch campaign last year and advisably so.

Picture perfect

Though award winning and praised by marketers across the US, it's widely accepted with hindsight said TV splashes failed to convey the platform's strengths to consumers.

In contrast, Nokia's campaign focuses on Windows Phone's speed, also talking up the platform's practicalities, too.

What's more, the site reports Nokia 800 will be the device's chosen moniker in most markets. Lumia, Sabre, Sun and Ace are also being considering for other territories.

The handset had previously been dubbed 'See Ray', though that was likely little more than an internal label.

Expect more on Nokia's Windows Phone plans at Nokia World, which kicks off on October 26.

[source: PocketNow]