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PerBlue and PlayMob join forces to raise cash for charity SOS Children via IAP in Parallel Kingdom

Wear your limited edition Buy Soup Can Hat with pride
PerBlue and PlayMob join forces to raise cash for charity SOS Children via IAP in Parallel Kingdom

Developer PerBlue and social tech provider PlayMob have joined forces so players of Parallel Kingdom can purchase in-games items that will help to provide real food vouchers for people suffering from drought in East Africa.

PlayMob is a company primarily devoted to providing ethical virtual goods in games, whilst PerBlue's Parallel Kingdom is a mobile and web-based MMORPG.

Feed the world

The system works as Parallel Kingdom players buy the Soup Can Hat in-game item for 550 Food units (about $5.50).

Of the contribution (excluding Apple's 30 percent take we assume), 80 percent is converted into food vouchers for SOS Children's relief efforts in Kenya.

SOS Children world's largest orphan and abandoned children’s charity.

"The partnership between PlayMob and PerBlue marks a unique turning point for virtual charitable giving. We are excited to see the final results of the initiative and serve as a positive example to other gaming studios interested in charitable campaigns," said Justin Beck, PerBlue's CEO.

PlayMob CEO Jude Ower is equally full of praise for the initiative.

"When we created Giverboard, this was exactly the sort of initiative we hoped to help build. So far the campaign has been very successful and shows that when good is being done, people will join together as one," she said.

So far, over 700 hats have been sold, feeding over 2,100 children. The limited edition Soup Can Hat will be available until 29 September. 

[source: PerBlue]