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Down on DeNA, Namco Bandai partners up with GREE for global social splash

Sleeping with the enemy
Down on DeNA, Namco Bandai partners up with GREE for global social splash

GREE has unveiled a new partnership with Namco Bandai that will see the two parties working together on new mobile games.

A total of five social games based on Namco Bandai IP will hit GREE's platform in Japan before the end of 2012, including releases in key franchises such as Naruto and Pac-Man.

They will be released in western markets at a later date.

Interestingly, however, the deal comes less than a year after the publisher formed a partnership with GREE rival DeNA designed to support its gaming platform Mobage.

Playing both sides

In August 2011, DeNA and Namco Bandai formed a new venture called BDNA, with a target of developing social smartphone games to audiences worldwide.

Though the deal signified a tightening of the relationship between the two parties, Namco Bandai continues to work with GREE, running games on its platform.

Indeed, commentators are now suggesting the newly formed partnership with GREE signifies a break down in Namco Bandai's relationship with DeNA, with Mobage reportedly failing to deliver the goods over the course of the last 10 months though there's been no official word.
