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Fishlabs launches 'brand gaming specialist' agency Proelios

Joint venture with Character Communications
Fishlabs launches 'brand gaming specialist' agency Proelios

In a joint venture with UK branding agency Character Communications, Hamburg-based mobile studio Fishlabs Entertainment has formed a brand gaming specialist agency Proelios.

The new venture is designed to develop mobile games for brand owners worldwide, with Fishlabs providing "strategic and videogame production services" to the newly-formed agency.

Fishlabs isn't without form in this area, of course.

The firm has made a number of mobile games for international brands, such as Volkswagen Sports Car Challenge and Barclaycard Waterslide Extreme.

Branding iron

In fact, Fishlabs claims that the latter is the "most downloaded brand game ever on the Apple App Store," boasting 28 million downloads to date.

These titles obviously generate consumer engagement, but Fishlabs claims it's the trackable data behind the games that makes brand gaming a "serious channel for communication."

The move is clearly a sign of Fishlabs' faith in the power of brand gaming a model that the company has been talking up for some time.

"[Brand games] will put F2P publishers under serious pressure as brand games already beat F2P in production quality and are competing for the same high chart positions in the free App Store category," wrote Fishlabs' marketing director Kai Hitzer in a guest column in April 2012.

"Mobile apps are going to be the biggest marketing channel of all time and games will be its biggest category. This will redefine the term 'free-to-play' once and for all," he concluded.

More information on the agency, along with case studies detailing Fishlabs' past experiences with brand games, can be found on the Proelios website.