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25,000 registered developers in, Ouya has 465 games on board

Sales figures still notably absent
25,000 registered developers in, Ouya has 465 games on board

With the platform closing in on 500 apps, Ouya has announced it now has more than 25,000 registered developers on board.

The figure, though undoubtedly a milestone, has no direct bearing on the console's performance at retail, however, where it's believed to be struggling.

The NPD Group described US sales in its launch month as "relatively light" - a claim that Ouya founder Julie Uhrman challenged.

"Nobody thinks much about NPD numbers," replied Uhrman. "We all know they miss critical data including reporting from digital retailers or company sites."

Eye on Ouya

Ouya's creators have had bigger hurdles to overcome than supposedly slow launch sales, however, making today's declaration of developer support a notable one.

Ouya upset a portion of its support earlier this summer when controversy surrounding the firm's Free the Games fund reached a boiling point after it became clear that two games were attempting to take advantage of the fund.

Some developers pulled their games in response to Ouya's handling of the situation, but others rallied to Ouya's defense when it updated its Free the Games fund policies.