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BlackBerry CEO John Chen: 'Our for sale sign has been taken down'

Firm looks towards the future
BlackBerry CEO John Chen: 'Our for sale sign has been taken down'

Interim BlackBerry CEO John Chen has refuted claims that the firm is dead, stating that the company is "very much alive".

Chen, who took over as CEO after BlackBerry abandoned a plan to sell itself, went on the offensive in an open letter sent out to BlackBerry's "valued enterprise customers and partners".

Most interestingly, after the aforementioned public attempt to sell the company off, Chen lifted the lid on a complete change in direction for the firm that will see BlackBerry once more attempt to go it alone.

Not for sale

"Our 'for sale' sign has been taken down and we are here to stay," reiterated Chen.

"BlackBerry recently announced it has entered into an agreement to receive a strategic investment from Fairfax Financial and other institutional investors, which represents a vote of confidence in the future of BlackBerry.

"In short, reports of our death are greatly exaggerated."

Indeed, Chen believes that the firm is still in the game for the "long term," and will go on flourish in the future.

"We know that BlackBerry devices are not for everyone. That's OK," explained Chen

"I believe in BlackBerry and I'm confident in our future in enterprise, our technology and our ability to adapt to changing market needs."

Chen's comments come after COO Kristian Tear, CMO Frank Boulben and CFO Brian Bidulka all left the company in one fell swoop.