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Click to play: Video sharing generating up to 7.5% of daily installs for Everyplay games

1.5 million videos shared in last 12 months
Click to play: Video sharing generating up to 7.5% of daily installs for Everyplay games

Video sharing is becoming an increasingly powerful promo tool for indie games, with Applifier's Everyplay platform accounting for up to 7.5 percent of daily installs for games signed up for the service.

Indeed, in the last 12 months, Applifier claims a total of 1.5 million gameplay videos have been shared by users via Everyplay, which allows players to record both the action on screen, and their reaction via their device's front-facing camera.

The company expects further growth in the months ahead, too, with 4 million users now registered with Everyplay, tapping into a total of 230 different games.

No secret success

One of the platform's major successes is Secret Exit's Stair Dismount, with CEO Jani Kahrama claims Everyplay has "driven 7.5 percent of all daily installs" for the game during the last 5 months.

"We are seeing install rates similar to the success of Stair Dismount across the board," added Applifier founder and CEO Jussi Laakkonen.

"Players are really into sharing game replays and everyone loves discovering new games their friends are playing. We've now proven our Everyplay model with concrete results that replay sharing drives mobile game installs at scale."


Other outfits also signed up to Everyplay include Nimblebit, SkyVu, Limbic, Fingersoft, Rovio, Dreamworks, Chillingo, Ubisoft and Grand Cru.