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Mobage levers platform-wide approach with 100,000 MobaCoin giveaway

Boosting Facebook presence in the process
Mobage levers platform-wide approach with 100,000 MobaCoin giveaway

DeNA's Mobage mobile gaming platform is one I spend a lot of time examining.

That's because it's a global social and monetisation layer that developers who want to be published by DeNA have to integrate.

This means that historically, the platform has been tightly controlled in terms of many of the metrics - Discounted Currency ratio, average IAP price, spread of IAP transactions etc - I like to record as part of my Monetizer process.

Given DeNA's current financials, it seems that some of the restrictions in Mobage are being loosen (another story, for another time), but there remains one big advantage of running a global social mobile gaming platform - you do have a massive network.

Like to win

That's great if you want to run promotions such as the current one on the Mobage Facebook page.

And, at first sight it looks very impressive.

Mobage is giving away 100,000 MobaCoins, with the lucky winner getting 25,000 of them.

The advantage of this sort of platform-wide promotion is that the winner can spend all those coins in one game or spread them across multiple games.

The small print

However, there are some caveats. You can only enter if you're in country where you can use the Mobage West service (that excludes Japan, Korea and China, which run different Mobage services; the network is global but split into regions).

The other qualification is that the ratio of MobaCoins to dollars is 100:1, so the lucky winner will effectively get $250-worth of currency.

Not bad for liking, commenting and sharing a Facebook page, but equally not in-game wealth beyond your wildest dreams either.

You can test your luck here.