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Cool cervezas and hot topics at the Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer in Barcelona

Mobile World Congress gets manic
Cool cervezas and hot topics at the Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer in Barcelona

Packed into a hip venue in Barcelona were the movers and shakers of the app world, all in attendance for another legendary PG Mobile Mixer.

It was a typically peerless industry networking event, with top entertainment and excellent food and drinks courtesy of our generous sponsors iDreamsky, Paymentwall and Gamebench.

The night was punctuated by a moderated discussion with a richly experienced panel, featuring Gamebench CEO and founder Sri Kannan, head of international at Chartboost Pepe Agell, Nokia's head of partner management and marketing Alex Bubb, Digital Legends CEO Xavier Carillo Costa and Immersion's technology evangelist Peter van der Linden.

Topics ranged far and wide, but revolved around the core discussion points of platforms, fragmentation of said platforms, and where the focus of developers should lie.

Platform play

Kannan noted that the situation with platforms generaly isn't easy. "Developers out there have a big challenge", he remarked.

Peter van der Linden agreed, highlighting that strategies across all the channels are rapidly changing, before reinforcing that there is a need for developers to "play to their strengths".

The panel in action

Strategies might be changing, but according to Agell ,"some platforms and countries will always perform better".

Bubb would later go on to suggest that developers should perhaps be looking beyond the biggest countries, and instead look to the emerging markets which, whilst not particularly lucrative now "in 6 12 months it will be a completely different story".

Bringing a fascinating twist to the old topic of platform exclusives (remember those?) Xavier Carillo Costa suggested that today platform holders may not be looking for this, and instead are interested in "exclusive features" for their platforms.

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