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Develop Brighton Indie Showcase spotlight: Tengami

Nyamyam speaks out
Develop Brighton Indie Showcase spotlight: Tengami

Develop Brighton kicks off next week, and some of the most encouraging news to come from the conference is that five mobile games will be featured in the third annual Indie Showcase.

We reached out to the minds behind these five games - which, combined, make up a full half of the total indie entries - to ask them for their feelings on being nominated to the Indie Showcase and the indie scene in general.

Yesterday, we featured Paladin Studios and today we're talking with Jennifer Schneidereit of Nyamyam Games, whose papercraft epic Tengami would certainly vie for the title of the most artistic indie games we've seen lately.

Pocket Gamer: How does it feel to be a part of Develop's Indie Showcase?

Jennifer Schneidereit: We feel very humbled and appreciative being chosen as a finalist for Develop.

As creators, the thing that you hope for the most is that you can reach out and touch other people with your work - that people will appreciate the love and care you put into creating something.

This year, a full half of the ten games nominated in the Indie Showcase are mobile titles. Is it easier for indie games to find an audience on mobile?

A lot of independent developers are interested in innovation and making games off the beaten tracks.

Touch gaming in particular is still a relatively new field and is full of untapped potential for game innovation.

Independent developers experimenting in the field of mobile gaming is just a natural result of that, especially since most of the mainstream/AAA developers are still largely neglecting this space.

Each of the five mobile games featured in the showcase offer vastly different types of gameplay. Have any of the other games in the line-up - mobile or not - caught your eye?

ibb and obb's gravity puzzles look quite intriguing and I really love co-op games. There can never be enough co-op games. Gunpoint, because stealth games always have a special place in my heart.

That Dragon, Cancer was very touching when I had the chance to play it a couple of weeks and I would like to spend a little more time with it.

It is really difficult to pick out just a few games though, because the line-up is excellent this year and I am looking forward to checking out all the games.

How will being featured in the showcase impact your studio?

Showing Tengami at Develop to fellow game developers is a wonderful opportunity to raise the profile of our studio a little and be more involved with the developer community as a whole.

Are you looking forward to Develop as a whole? 

Absolutely yes! I have been to Develop before and know from experience that it is a great event to network, look into potential business partnerships and hear about the latest trends and projections for the near future.
