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Ubisoft expands its mobile presence with acquisition of Longtail Studios

Now simply Ubisoft Halifax
Ubisoft expands its mobile presence with acquisition of Longtail Studios
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Oct 15, 2015 acquisition Longtail Studios Ubisoft Not disclosed

Ubisoft has announced its acquisition of Canadian developer Longtail Halifax, which has previously worked with Ubisoft on mobile wrestling game TNA Wrestling.

Longtail Halifax will now be known as Ubisoft Halifax.

Its team is currently working on a number of unannounced mobile titles as part of Ubisoft's expansion into the mobile market.

"The team of more than 30 talented people in Halifax brings with it a wealth of experience as well as a clear understanding of Ubisoft’s culture and processes,” said Jean-Michel Detoc, executive director of Ubisoft’s mobile business.

Further expansion

“We believe Ubisoft Halifax has the potential to become a AAA mobile studio in this fast-moving and demanding segment."

As part of the acquisition, Ubisoft Halifax is also looking to expand its team.

“We’re recruiting for 10 positions to grow the team here in Halifax, and are very excited to develop and expand the team’s expertise into the mobile segment,” said Gwenael Heliou, studio manager at Ubisoft Halifax.

“Halifax is a vibrant community with a long creative tradition. We are very happy to expand into Atlantic Canada and look forward to developing games that will make Nova Scotia proud.”

Given that Ubisoft already has an extensive global mobile presence, it will be interesting to see how Ubisoft Halifax will fit in to the company's ecosystem.