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How big will mobile eSports be in 2016, and what will be Clash Royale's impact?

Newzoo's Peter Warman explains
How big will mobile eSports be in 2016, and what will be Clash Royale's impact?

At Pocket Gamer Connects London 2016, Newzoo's Peter Warman took a data-led approach to predict the size of the mobile eSports industry in 2016 and beyond.

Newzoo's stats show that up to 40% of the eSports audience does not play the franchises, which means that for mobile to be a viable eSports platform it needs to be set up to accommodate large numbers of spectators.

"Imagine your game having a million users but 50 million viewers - the audience you're entertaining could be a lot larger than you are used to," says Warman.

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Other interesting snippets include that 21 to 35-year-old males are the biggest demographic for consuming eSports content, despite mostly younger gamers attending events.

Warman suggests that spectating as a less active way of engaging with gaming content is "tapping into lapsed core gamers."

As for mobile, it's little surprise who he expects to see at the cutting edge: "I expect Supercell to be super active in the mobile eSports space, with Clash Royale already geared towards eSports."

However, regardless of platform, it's the streaming element - across PC, mobile, and other devices - that truly excites Warman.

"It makes a game on a single screen into a cross-screen franchise, integrating video and games, and that is huge," he says.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects London 2016 in this YouTube Playlist.