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Fireproof Games' The Room trilogy hits 11.6 million downloads

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Fireproof Games' The Room trilogy hits 11.6 million downloads

Fireproof Game's premium puzzle series The Room has seen over 11.6 million sales across its three games since the first title launched in September 2012.

This is according to an infographic released by the studio, which breaks down the sales data, development cost, and other statistics across the trilogy of titles.

It shows that the first game was downloaded 6.94 million times in 50 months. The Room 2 saw 3.28 million downloads in 35 months, and The Room 3 had 1.38 million downloads in just 11 months.

The original game in the series saw the highest number of downloads in a single day, with 173,000 downloads on December 13th 2013. This is because the game was made free on that day to celebrate the launch of The Room 2 on December 12th 2013.

Increasing sales, increasing budgets

Both The Room 2 and The Room 3 saw their highest day of sales just two days after launch. The Room 2 made 43,300 sales on December 14th 2013, while The Room 3 sold 67,800 units on November 6th 2015.

All three games saw the majority of sales on iOS, with around 70% of all sales being made on the platform. Android sales came in second, with around 20% of sales, with the Amazon Appstore and Steam making up the rest.

Budgets and timescales for the games increased with each release. While The Room took four people eight months to create on a budget of £160,000 for the original iPad launch, The Room 3 took 11 people 20 months on a budget of £1.4 million for the iOS launch.

You can view the full infographic on Fireproof Games' website.