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Unity acquires level design and prototyping tool ProBuilder

Developers can now use ProBuilder, Polybrush and ProGrids directly within Unity
Unity acquires level design and prototyping tool ProBuilder
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Feb 16, 2018 acquisition Unity Not disclosed

Unity has acquired the team behind ProBuilder and added the software to the official pipeline for its development environment.

ProBuilder is a tool which allows developers to build levels from within the Unity engine, primarily for prototyping and greyboxing purposes. The tool comes with procedural shapes, in-scene UV controls, extrude and inset tools and more.

Joining the ProBuilder tools will be Polybrush, which allows artist to paint and blend textures onto objects from within the Unity editor. ProGrids will also be included, which creates a visual grid to make level building easier and more precise.

Build it up

All three tools will be added to Unity for free across all subscription plans, including the free Personal plan. Each tool is now available on the Asset Store and will be integrated into Unity through updates in 2018.

As part of the deal, ProBuilder developers Gabriel Williams & Karl Henkel have also joined Unity. It is not clear what their new capacity will be at the company, but they will likely continue developing their own tools.

The first Unity update of 2018 is set to add a number of new features to its package, including the already teased Scriptable Render Pipeline and C# Job System. The next update is currently in beta, with a full version due in the coming months.