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Looking across the Live Ops Landscape at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki touches down in Finland on September 11th to 12th
Looking across the Live Ops Landscape at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki draws near and will touch down in Finland on September 11th to 12th.

As such, we’re keeping things on, ahem, track with another look at one of our 12 tracks on offer.

Today, we’re diving into our Live Ops Landscape track. Live ops are the core of any mobile game and its importance couldn’t be stated enough, which is why we have dedicated a track solely to it.

September 11th

14:20 – Kicking things off is Space Ape Games product owner Nick Mansdorf with an in-depth look at how Space Ape Games has evolved its live operations and events tools, alongside the processes and organisation it has built around live games.

14:40 – Next up is a fireside chat with AppAgent founder Peter Fodor and Small Giant Games UA manager Antti Paikkala. The two will dive into how to create a media plan for a global launch.

15:00 – Rolling on is Paladin Studios CEO Derk De Geus on how Paladin approaches live ops from an agile development perspective.

The focus will specifically drive at the role of the scientific method, the ideal live ops team composition, the importance of dev ops and culture and how to foster high performance throughout the organisation.

15:20 – Next up is our first panel of the day, which will feature Oktagon Games senior games designer Pedro Rauiz Gestal, Wooga creative director Tim Shepherd and EA Finland creative director Petri Ikonen.

The trio will delve into company culture and influencing live ops.

Our other 12 amazing tracks
Our other 12 amazing tracks

16:00 – Staying with Ikonen, the EA Finland creative head will take us through the live service games design of SimCity BuildIt.

16:20 – Next we’ll be bringing Shepherd back to the stage for a talk on how live ops brought Diamond Dash back to life, despite being close to seven-years-old.

16:40 – Square Enix Montreal lead games designer Jean-Francois Dugas will deliver a post-mortem on hit title Hitman Sniper, which surpassed 10 million players earlier this year.

17:00 – As we draw to a close, Tribeflame CEO Torulf Jernström will deliver a talk on game design for incentivising players.

17:20 – Finishing off the track this year is a panel featuring Lockwood Publishing chief commercial officer Oliver Kern, Zynga product lead Sonja Angesleva and Amber Studios head of studio Mihai Sfrijan.

The trio will answer the question of what the gold standard of live ops is.

And that’ll wrap up the track for this year. However, those nine talks make up just one track out of 12 the show will have on offer. Which include our Indie Track, Esports Academy and the Game Changers track, which will take a close look at chat app gaming and hyper-casual.

To find out more about the fantastic speaker roster, you can check out the full schedule – and keep an eye out for the latest additions and updates in the run-up to the show.

There is also still time to register, which you can do here.