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Steel Media goes online! Join us at our upcoming digital events

Connecting the global games industry through our digital conferences, pitches, round-tables and more
Steel Media goes online! Join us at our upcoming digital events

The world is in a completely different place now than it was last year. Industry events have been postponed with some moving online, including our Pocket Gamer Connects series with the first ever Pocket Gamer Connects Digital, which saw over 1,000 virtual attendees from 60 countries.

And in our continuing effort to support the games industry, we are running a multitude of both premium and free digital events during the year, so you don’t miss out on networking with key industry folk and gaining valuable insight for your games or business.

Next up, we have our first live RoundTable in association with Tamatem FREE at 4:00pm (BST) TOMORROW, May 12. We’ll explore the perils and pitfalls - and potential positives - of remote working with a panel of industry experts featuring:

  • Kate Edwards, Global Game Jam/Geogrify
  • Tim Cullings, Seattle Indies/IGDA/Oculus VR
  • Sophie Vo, Voodoo
  • Husam Hammo, Tamatem
  • Asi Burak, Tilting Point
  • King, Sabrina Carmona

Make sure you sign up now.

Forthcoming events

Want to know where you can connect with the global games industry digitally and learn from the games industry’s top experts? Take a look at the list below…




If you want to get ahead of the game and discuss involvement and sponsorship opportunities with any of our future events, email our CEO using

See you online at our next event!

Tomorrow, May 12, at 4pm (BST), the first of our series of digital round-tables takes place. Make sure you sign up for PG.Biz RoundTable 1: Games Industry In The Time Of COVID-19 [with Tamatem] now!

Our next full Pocket Gamer Connects Digital event returns June 8-12 for a week of insightful tracks, seminars, panel debates, pitching, networking and more. Tickets are available now at Mid-Term prices.