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Learn more about live operations at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4

One of 16 featured tracks
Learn more about live operations at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4

Less than one week remains until Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4, which takes place between November 9th and 13th.

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital will continue our string of successful digital events. Yet again, we will provide excellent panels, interesting talks, and fringe events, and we have improved upon the meeting system since our last go around.

The number of tracks has increased for our fourth digital event. We have 16 insightful tracks for attendees to take in – subjects include growth, esports, live ops, global trends, Blockchain and big screen gaming.

Every day we will look at each of the 16 tracks in turn. Today is Live Ops Landscape.

Thursday, November 12th

15:00 - The track will begin with a session on live ops in PC games. To be given by DPS Games monetisation and live ops director Sarah Tilley.

15:00 - Next, Koron Studios CEO and game designer Diego Diaz Perez will discuss examples and learning about live ops in idle game.

16:00 - Time to join EA head of product management Chong Ahn. His topic is titled the best investment is in the tools for one's trade - a live service story.

16:30 - Up next, we have a superstar session with PeopleFun chief product and analytics officer Carol Miu. Her talk is called Wordscapes: how the world's most popular word game boosted LTV by 40 per cent.

17:00 - Time to talk about how live ops is a feature with ArenaNet senior manager of live operations Daniel McLaren.

17:30 - Our penultimate session is with Revolution games CEO and head of community Oren Bennett. He will talk about the challenges of engaging the community in all aspects of the game business.

18:00 - The track will close out with a panel, it will be centred on live ops as a marketing opportunity. Multiple industry experts will offer their insight, the first of which is Behaviour Interactive director of community and player support Tara Brannigan. She will be joined by Activision senior live ops specialist Antanina Livingston, Dodreams CEO Erik Pontiskoski and DECa head of business development Stephen Lee. The panel will be completed by Star Stable product owner Stacy Place, Dive founder Elad Levy and Playtika general manager os Solitaire Grand Harvest Yuval Dor.

Check out the full schedule to see the complete range of impressive speakers attending. You can also check out our other track rundowns and coverage of previous Pocket Gamer Connects conferences ahead of the event itself.

Like what you see? Well, there's still time to register for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 here.