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Yooka-Laylee dev Playtonic launches Friends publishing label

Firm is already working with three studios, details of first projects coming "soon"
Yooka-Laylee dev Playtonic launches Friends publishing label

The developer behind the Yooka-Laylee series of platformers Playtonic Games has opened a publishing label.

Dubbed Playtonic Friends, this apparently will help bring "fresh, creative and compelling" games into the wild. At the moment, Playtonic is working with BPM: Bullets Per Minute studio Awe Interactive, Fabraz of Slime-san fame as well as Okidokico, best known for its OK Golf Series of mobile games. We'll be hearing about the first games coming from Playtonic Friends "soon."

“The knowledge that we were coming up to our sixth birthday triggered lots of typical Teams calls amongst the staff here at Playtonic,” CEO Gavin Price said.

“Should we all don party hats and video chat together? Should we have a few mocktails, whip out the Karaoke and belt out our best Beyoncé? Or should we launch a new publishing label designed to bring the best games from indie studios the world over to market? Given I had a bit of scratchy throat that evening - and that the establishment of Playtonic Friends had been brewing as a serious ambition for a while - we went with that.”

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