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Track preview: discover Big Screen Gaming at Pocket Gamer Connects London

Go beyond mobile and learn about developing and publishing for PC, console, XR, cloud gaming and more, February 14-15.
Track preview: discover Big Screen Gaming at Pocket Gamer Connects London

Now that Pocket Gamer Connects London is officially less than a month away, final preparations are well underway for this highly anticipated hybrid conference.

If you haven’t heard yet, Pocket Gamer Connects London is our grand return to in-person conferencing that will be taking place in London on February 14-15. Our Connects conference series has been bringing together the mobile games industry since 2014, and we could not be more excited to be bringing you our very first hybrid edition. We will be hosting 225+ speakers from around the globe and welcoming 1500+ attendees to our event, which will also feature a host of exciting content tracks.

At PG Connects, our tracks encompass the topics that the industry is talking about right now. We have pulled all stops to make this year’s event the most high-value one yet, and we have over 20 theme tracks jam-packed with trailblazing industry leaders and interesting, forward-gazing topics. Today, we will continue our showcase of incredible tracks with an overview of the schedule for our Big Screen Gaming Track, which goes beyond mobile gaming to discuss developing and publishing for PC, console, XR, cloud gaming and more.

This track is perfect for mobile developers or mobile-based studios that are looking to expand their work into other realms, as well as developers already working with bigger screen gaming that would like to learn more about the opportunities available to them. We will be discussing what going beyond mobile gaming looks like, what financing for it looks like, what new and emerging technologies you should be aware of if you are working on developing and publishing for bigger screens and much more. Keep on reading to find out more about exactly what you can expect from this track at our upcoming conference.

February 15

09:15 - Kick off the second day with an introduction by Will Freeman.
09:30 - We’re starting the track with a session about The State of Crowdfunding for Video Games with Thomas Bidaux of ICO Partners.
09:50 - Up next is a session on How to successfully bring your game into the world of Esports with Stuart Muckley from Code Wizards.
10:10 - We’re delving into The cross pollination of animated films and video game production with HaZ Dulill of HaZimation!
10:30 - Andrew Oliver of Panivox Ltd is taking us through RichCast - Voice as the future interface.
10:50 - We’re closing out the track with a panel discussing The End of Downloads: will cloud gaming conquer the world?. The panel features Marion Finnigan from Amazon Web Servies as Moderator, Joanna Haslam from Snap Finger Click, Paul Farley from Firestoke, Derk de Geus from Paladin Studios, Simon Meek from The Secret Experiment.

This is just a taste of the 20 tracks that we have lined up for the London conference. Don’t miss out on viewing the conference schedule to get a glimpse at everything we have to offer at PGC London, it was just revealed in full today!

Buy your tickets

Get your tickets now before our Mid Term offer ends this week. You can save up to $230 on your ticket if you get it now! We have both in-person and digital tickets available on our website now, don’t wait.

See you in four weeks!