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Opera launches iOS and Android app install tracking solution App-Tribute

Doesn't use UDIDs, MAC addresses or cookies
Opera launches iOS and Android app install tracking solution App-Tribute

Lost in the rush of our past week, browser and app store outfit Opera has offered the industry another solution to using UDIDs.

Its App-Tribute tech - which it says doesn't use unique device identifiers, cookies or MAC addresses - works across iOS and Android, enabling the tracking of app downloads and installs.

This is key for companies who want to spend money getting their apps downloaded and for those who want to plug such campaigns into their apps to generate revenue.

Opera is offering App-Tribute as a separate SDK or bundled within its subsidiary AdMarvel's SDK for publishers, and as a 'small footprint' SDK for developers.

AdMarvel is a mediation layer supporting over 100 mobile ad networks and used by more than 8,000 mobile sites and apps globally.

Opera says some game developers and an internet radio service are already using App-Tribute.

Facing both ways

"Since the launch of iOS in 2007 and Android in 2009, we've watched both sides of the industry - both developers who want to advertise their apps and those that want to monetise their app traffic - struggle with the thorny issue of promoting and tracking app downloads," said Mahi de Silva, Opera's EVP of consumer mobile.

"We've seen schemes that attempted to solve the problem through device and user tracking, many of which raise troubling questions around accuracy and consumer privacy.

"Working together with several of our industry-leading publisher customers, we've designed and implemented a trusted third-party solution that satisfies all the constituents."

[source: Opera]