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$29.99 IAP in NimbleBit's Pocket Frog is its biggest revenue spinner

Hopping happy
$29.99 IAP in NimbleBit's Pocket Frog is its biggest revenue spinner

Continuing today's theme of freemium games, comes news of NimbleBit's just released Pocket Frogs.

Propelled by co-founder Ian Marsh's view that freemium now makes much more sense than paid - "Scoops has taught us that free games can be profitable so it becomes a question of whether you want to make a living with thousands of people playing your games or millions," he says - he's revealed the first set of stats about the game's in-app purchases.

The biggest lillypad in the store please

The cheapest IAP option of 99c makes up half of the total number of transactions, but only 9 percent of total revenue.

The mid range $4.99 option was 42 percent, both by transactions and revenue.

Most significantly however is the performance of the $29.99 IAP option.

Volume wise it consisted of 8 percent of total IAP transactions, but thanks to its price, provided the biggest chunk of revenue for NimbleBit at 49 percent of the total.

Obviously, without any absolute figures, we can't judge the overall worth of Pocket Frogs' IAP, but it's worth stating that gamers are more than happy to pay a substantial sum, even indirectly, for high quality games that they enjoy.

Indeed, Marsh also comments that "We've actually run into a number of people who are concerned there isn't enough IAP in the game".

[source: Ian Marsh (Twitter)]