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120 million iOS devices sold at 230,000 activations a day

10 percent of apps now for iPad
120 million iOS devices sold at 230,000 activations a day

As you might expect, part of Apple's Autumn event focused on stats, with Steve Jobs keen to pitch iOS as the leading smartphone platform globally.

The numbers certainly didn't do his claims any harm either, with Jobs revealing 120 million iOS devices - iPhone, iPod touch and iPad - have been shipped to retail since the original iPhone launched back in 2007.

Jobs claims the momentum is still with Apple too, with 230,000 iOS activations each day.

This was a direct comparison to rival Google. Its Android OS is receiving around 200,000 activations per day, although Jobs said he thought this number included OS upgrades. 

Daily downloads

Part of iOS's success, of course, is the App Store, and Jobs revealed there have been 6.5 billion downloads to date that's 200 every second.

As previously reported, there are also more than 250,000 apps now on the marketplace, although most interestingly, Jobs confirmed 10 percent around 25,000 - of them are iPad titles.

The rest of the event focused on the launch of a new range of iPods, as well as the new feature set heading to iPhone and iPod touch with iOS 4.1 and iPad with iOS 4.2.