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That Dragon, Cancer dev defends Ouya as Free Your Games fund is re-worked

Cash still on offer, albeit with a few changes
That Dragon, Cancer dev defends Ouya as Free Your Games fund is re-worked

The developer behind That Dragon, Cancer has leapt to the defence of Ouya after developers critcised the company for failing to act against studios believed to have taken advantage of its Free the Games fund.

Free Your Games was designed to encourage Ouya exclusive games on Kickstarter, pledging to match funds raised by any titles that hit $50,000 or more.

However, it was alleged that two developers amassed fake donations in order to hit said total and trigger the Ouya investment.

Passing the buck

Developers reacted angrily to an initial response by Ouya, claiming the company was attempting to pass the buck rather than react.

However, taking to his blog, Ryan Green said that Ouya was bound to make mistakes - it's owning up to them that's the problem.

Ouya exclusive That Dragon, Cancer

"Ouya PR has been a field of exploded mines, but that usually happens when you’re the first one through the minefield," he detailed.

"The difference between the folks at Ouya and most everybody else, is that they got to live through their failures in public, while we got to lob stones.

"Imagine for a moment, how that would feel."

Free the Games, 2.0

Green's defence comes days after Ouya's Julie Uhrman took to YouTube to announce major changes to its Free the Games fund which came under scrutiny when a pair of Kickstarter campaigns appeared to be taking advantage of Ouya's largesse.

The game at the epicenter of the controversy, Gridiron Thunder, voluntarily declined the funds it was owed through Ouya's Free the Games fund, but Ouya recognised that changes - and a public response - were still in order.

In the video below, Uhrman outlines changes to the Free the Games fund.

While Ouya will still match funds raised through Kickstarter, the minimum pledge amount has dropped from $50,000 to $10,000 and developers can now launch simultaneously on Ouya and PC.

Finally, Uhrman notes that Ouya has scrapped the planned $100,000 bonus to the Kickstarter fund that raises the most money through the campaign.


[source: That Dragon, Cancer]