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Playdom sets eyes on social surge in Europe

French, Italian, German, and Spanish titles being readied
Playdom sets eyes on social surge in Europe

If social gaming is one of the industry buzz phrases at the moment, it's fair to say the US based Playdom has been a major catalyst behind its rise and rise.

Having secured $43 million worth of funding back in November, the company has been on a drive to expand, picking up studios to give it a solid base within the social gaming arena.

Now, however, its targets are territorial, with the publisher today announcing it plans to roll-out localised, European versions of some of its top titles.

Cracking the continent

As reported by TechCrunch, many of its top titles will be adjusted for life on the continent, with French, Italian, German, and Spanish versions of franchises like Mobsters, Tiki Resort, and Big City Life expected before the year is out.

Facebook is expected to form the foundations of its European invasion the first title expected, Bola, has already enjoyed on the social network in beta form although Playdom also has designs on other sites such as MySpace and Hi5, as well as iPhone.

TechCrunch Europe