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New Year, New Job: GREE on the value of flexibility

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New Year, New Job: GREE on the value of flexibility

With 2013 well and truly underway, now's typically the time when the industry's great and good take a quick look around and, CV willing, consider making a swift move to a rival firm.

But how can you stand out from the pack, and what are the skills that studios are really looking for in this industry?

To find out, we decided to sample the opinion of those leading the very firms folk may be eyeing up a move to, getting to grips with just what successful applicants have that sets them apart from the masses.

Next up, here's GREE HR director Nick Bartlett with his top tips for finding a new job in 2013.

Pocket Gamer: What skills will be most in demand throughout the mobile games industry in 2013 and beyond?

Nick Bartlett: Flexibility! The mobile market is moving so fast that the ability to predict trends and adapt to the market is key.

Companies including gaming companies are playing catch-up on systems, applications and website upgrades they postponed during the recession, thus driving demand for skilled and talented web developers, computer programmers and software engineers to create these new solutions.

What competencies and/or qualifications might your company be looking for from any candidates this year?

Move beyond their view of console gaming and really understand the mobile market. Be up to date with the latest technology and have your own thoughts on where it's going.

Good mobile artists are very much in demand and the most sought after qualification seems to be 'Computer Games Design and Development (BSc)'.

What's your one piece of advice for those seeking a new job in the industry this year?

Understand the market, what games are doing well and why is the game making money. How have the producers and games designers adapted it to continue to make money?

Most importantly, be a mobile game player and try to stand out from the crowd originality will define the market in 2013.

Thanks to Nick for his time.

You can sample top tips for getting a job from other mobile industry luminaries here.