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GREE signs deal with Unity to freely distribute Unity for GREE tech in Japan

Next step in the relationship
GREE signs deal with Unity to freely distribute Unity for GREE tech in Japan

In a move that no doubt will be labelled win-win in management circles, Japanese social mobile gaming network GREE has signed a master licence holder deal enabling it to provide its developers with a free version of the Unity engine.

The optimised version of Unity Pro will be called Unity for GREE, with the company given exclusive distribution rights for the iOS and Android-oriented tech in Japan.

A closer union

The agreement solidifies the existing relationship between the two companies signed in March 2011, which provided Unity plug-ins for GREE's iOS and Android SDKs.

In addition, in June, GREE announced its plan to develop and distribute original 2D and 3D apps for Android and iOS using Unity.

GREE and Unity will also continue to offer free technology seminars and consulting sessions.

[source: PR Newswire]