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Clash of Clans is 2013's top grossing app says Distimo

At least from January to November
Clash of Clans is 2013's top grossing app says Distimo

The year is not yet over, but that hasn't stopped Distimo releasing its 2013 in Review report.

Covering the period January to November 2013, many of its conclusions aren't surprising.

Thanks in part to its Android release but mainly its supremacy on iOS, Distimo's market estimates place Supercell's Clash of Clans as the world's top grossing app for the period.

In terms of the two big platforms, between June to November, Distimo reckons total revenue through Google Play's grew 51 percent, compared to 12 percent growth from the App Store.

Apple's platform remains the most lucrative, however, with a 63 percent share of the total app market compared to 37 percent for Google Play, up from a 30 percent share in June 2013.

Distimo estimates that the top 200 top grossing apps on App Store generated around $18 million daily. The figure for Google Play was $12 million.

Putting the pieces into place

Looking in more depth at the top grossing apps and publishers, on the App Store, the only surprise is the continuing strength of Mojang's Minecraft - Pocket Edition, which ranks as the #7 top grossing app thanks to its $6.99 price point, and despite its lack of in-app purchases.

The rest of the chart is made up of the usual F2P suspects, none of which were released in 2013.

When it comes to Google Play, it's the strength of the South Korean and Japanese Android markets that's apparent.

Seven of the top 10 top grossing apps are releases for local social networks Kakao (Korea) and LINE (Japan).

Given this situation it's no wonder that Supercell is 2013's top grossing publisher on iOS and LINE the top grossing publisher on Android.

But, perhaps more interesting, is that on iOS the national breakdown of companies sees 5 from the US, 3 from Europe and 2 from Japan.

For Google Play, it's 4 from Japan, 4 from Korean and one apiece from the US and Europe.

You can read Distimo's full report here.